a blog about mental illness, writing, and whatever else i can think of

Friday, June 6, 2014

Weird sleep and work

Just a short one today...I have a few posts in the wire but I need to flesh them out. I woke up at 5:00 am this morning after a restless night, and I decided, what the heck, might as well get up. So my task today has been staying awake. We'll see about tomorrow. Maybe I'm approaching something like normal sleep. Wouldn't that be exciting?

I'm enjoying my mornings dining al fresco on the patio. It's not too hot early in the morning, and the birds are delightful to hear. This morning it turned out to be one bird, but he was taking requests, so he sounded like a whole forest full of different birds.

I'm going in to work tomorrow for the first time in a while. I do odd projects for a friend of my mom's. Mostly catch up work, organizing files for her office. The place is very laid back and I don't have set hours, although my boss kind of appreciates it when I come in when I say I'm coming. So hopefully I won't sleep the day away tomorrow, and will actually come in as promised.

So while staying awake today I watched several Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes with my sister. Some of the comments make us laugh so hard we have to pause the video in order to breathe. The show is not for everyone, and some of the references are a bit dated now, but I love it, and I've exposed several people in my family to it as well. It's contagious!

Laughter is good for depression. If you can find something to laugh at, do it.

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