a blog about mental illness, writing, and whatever else i can think of

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Things are going well

After a month and a half of working on it, I think I may have gotten a good sleep pattern going. I'm going to bed around 9 pm, listening to podcasts for an hour or less AND THEN STOPPING, and waking up to my alarm at 6 am. This in itself is a miracle, since I usually turn off alarms of every kind, turn over, and go back to sleep.

I get up, make breakfast, then go outside to get my 30 minutes of sunlight. I bring my journal and a book. Lately, I've been working on The Case for God by Karen Armstrong.

I've had this book for ages and have only managed to get through a few chapters. Now I'm getting through it, a few pages at a time. It's kind of a history of religion, although she's also written A History of God. I'm kind of curious what the difference between the two books is. The Case for God documents how Western views on religion and its practice have evolved over time, and how our modern ideas of religion and spirituality are very different from primitive and early religion. She includes pre-monotheistic religion, Judaism, and Islam, and references Eastern religions but doesn't really delve deeply into them.

Anyway, provocative reading. I had considered reading Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion as a follow-up to get the other side of the argument. We'll see. I may just go back to another intriguing Dawkins book, The Ancestor's Tale, a fascinating look backward into evolution.

I've committed myself to an activity a day for the next three days, and I have tentative plans for Sunday as well. Yesterday I went to a yoga class. I survived the entire hour-long class, and really enjoyed it. It helps to have a group to exercise with.

All in all, my life feels pretty balanced at the moment. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

PS I'm also planning to devote this month to writing my senior thesis with the support of  my fellow virtual campers at Camp NaNo.

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