a blog about mental illness, writing, and whatever else i can think of

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hello, there!

Hmmm. I thought I said something somewhere about not posting as often, because I planned to work on my senior thesis during July's Camp NaNo. Apparently, I didn't mention this. Whoops.

Well, I don't know if I can use Camp NaNo as an excuse, because I'm not getting as much done as I'd hoped. On the other hand, I have gotten more thesis-writing done than I have in a long time.

Meanwhile, my sleep is, well, I am still going to bed at the same time, more or less, but I'm sleeping a lot. As in 12 hours a night. Maybe I just need to accept that my body needs that much sleep. Pisses me off, though.

I started Adderall in the hopes that it would give me a "boost" during the day so I'd have energy to get things done. Still waiting.

Planning to go to yoga class again tomorrow. If I can get up in time. Oh, well, there are other classes that happen later in the day. It's not like there's any yoga shortage in my area.  Throw a brick, hit a yogi. The brick is an illusion, anyway.

Finding the right class is more challenging. My class was very good, a gentle beginner's class. But my instructor didn't ask me about any physical limitations I had. I usually adjust my poses to accommodate that (and my lack of flexibility in certain areas). But she came around adjusting students' postures at one point, and I had to yell out, "Rotator cuff!" before she started to push on my arm. Because I like my arm where it is: in the socket.

Ok, I'm going to sign off and try to give myself 30 minutes of writing time. Or procrastinate by taking a shower. Or pet the cat. The cat needs lots of pettings.

He purrs really loudly when you pet him, too.

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