a blog about mental illness, writing, and whatever else i can think of

Sunday, August 10, 2014


I haven't written in a while, mainly because I have MOS syndrome: More of the Same. My sleep keeps getting kicked around the clock, I keep having to cancel appointments, I have no social life to speak of (unless Facebook counts). Do I need a med adjustment? Do I need a kick in the ass? I don't know.

So I haven't wanted to come here and write the same old boring crap. Then today, I remembered that writing this bs sometimes helped me to come to grips with things, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Beats playing Facebook games all day.

I'm stuck in a hole where taking a shower or cutting my toenails is a big accomplishment. On that scale, yesterday was a Good Day, because I did both of those things. I also did a little laundry and unloaded the dishwasher. Go, me.

One thing I am currently managing to do right is to change my eating habits. I don't understand how I drifted so far into junk food land. I used to love fruit, and ate vegetables every day. That's not to say that I didn't eat junk food, but I also ate healthy food as well. Lately, I've been eating less and less of the produce aisle and more of the candy and chips aisle. My sister and I joke about getting the four major food groups: candy, cookies, chips and soda. I buy lettuce, but it usually rots in the fridge. I told my sister recently that I should just bring it home from the store and toss it right into the trash.

But slowly I am starting to actually eat that lettuce. Also vegetables and fruit. Trying to get more fiber. When I crave junk food, I try to eat something healthy first, see if it does the trick.

So far, it doesn't. I can't fool my taste buds. But at least I've eaten something healthy before I eat the M&Ms.

Also, you can take my diet Coke when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

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